FACT #1: Shooting is the #1 most important skill for basketball players to master.

FACT #2: More players have poor shooting strokes and detrimental flaws today, than they ever have in the past. This is primarily because kids start playing at such an early age and they try to mimic NBA players before they are ready. The sad truth is that these bad shooting habits stick with them.

FACT #3: Proper shooting form is the #1 most important skill for youth basketball coaches to master and teach.

FACT #4: A team with just a couple of good shooters on the floor will make your offense infinitely more dangerous and actually give your team more lay ups. Good shooters stretch out the defense and can dramatically improve your team offense.

FACT #5: A small improvement in your teams shooting percentage, will allow you to win more games. Simple math tells us that teams with high shooting percentages tend to win a lot of games.
At the end of the day, shooting the basketball is one of the most important things for any player to master.